Easter Weekend

Please notice in the pictures above and all the other pictures in the Easter Weekend photoalbum, that there are no clouds in the sky! And the best thing is that it wasn't only this weekend that there were no clouds, it has been like that since I arrived in Sydney. The weather in this city is incomparable!
Thursday was the last of classes before the Easter holiday, so this week I have no school but plenty of projects and studying to do anyway. On Saturday I took a ferry to a place called Watson's Bay; it's where Sydney harbour joins merges with the Tasman Sea. This is where the British Army set their canons to defend the city from any possible invasion when they were colonizing. Right next to Watson's Bay there is Gap Park, which is really the cliff above the open ocean. It is absolutely beautiful as you will see from the pictures, and Sydney can be seen way back in the distance. Also, since the wind currents are so strong here, seagulls just open their wings and float above the water or the rocks without moving a feather! It's amazing! I put some of those pictures in the photoalbum as well.
Then on Sunday I went to the Royal Easter Show, which is like a fair with games, shows, competitions, animals, lots of animals in fact, freestyle moto X show (which I couldn't see because it was so cold and I didn't have a jacket that I decided to leave early) and the main attraction, the show bags. Show bags are bags that sell for a very cheap price with lots of thins inside them that if you bought separate it would cost you a lot more. I saw Australian ponies which are not as small as the average pony but not a full size horse either, and they all look like barbie horses. I also saw a 1107 kg bull, discovered a sport called tentpegging, which consists of a team of horsemen that run on their horses and try to drive the sharp end of a 10ft pole into a piece of wood that is on the ground. It's hard to explain, but it's quite interesting. There was another sport I hadn't heard of and that is polocrosse; a mixture of polo and lacrosse. Really cool too!